Burda moves

We take responsibility and commit ourselves to educational projects in Africa

What motivates people to get involved in social projects? We, the Christian Liebig Foundation, were moved 15 years ago by a terrible event, the death of a loved one, son, colleague and friend, to counter the senselessness of war and do something good. That is why we are committed to educational projects in Africa, especially in Malawi.

The media house Burda stands behind us then as now. The Group supports us to the best of its ability: Since our founding, our office has been located in the premises at Munich’s Arabellapark; but free advertisements in the company’s titles and many reports in the Group’s various publications are also proof that we are part of the company and part of its DNA. Like us, two other foundations are committed to socially important issues: The Felix Burda Foundation and the Tribute to Bambi Foundation.

Beatrice von Keyserlingk with her Malawian godchild Florence

The Christian Liebig Foundation, the Tribute to Bambi Foundation and the Felix Burda Foundation introduce themselves

What motivates all these people to get involved in social projects? What makes them proud and how does the work enrich their personal lives? Ten people – foundation founders, long-standing and prominent supporters, Burda employees and affected people – people with the most diverse biographies tell us their stories, which connect them with the Burda foundations, in a video (note: in German language only).


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Burda foundation movie (in German language only)

Why is it a special day?

Federal Association of German Foundations

On 1 October, the “Day of Foundations” is being held throughout Europe. The Day of Action makes visible how diverse the foundation landscape is, what they achieve through their commitment and what contribution they make to society. This year, the day’s motto is #Wasmachenstiftungen?

Further information (mostly in German language):

© 2025 by Christian-Liebig-Stiftung e.V. – Kindly supported by Hubert Burda Media.